Usually, the Federal Aviation Administration issues rules by the pound, filling shelves in law offices and libraries all over America with weighty tomes printed in tiny agate type.
Oddly enough, some of the best are performed by players whose billing is in agate type.
Because the data is so densely packed, it is harder to read - just as the agate type in a newspaper's stock-market tables takes longer for the human eye to sort out than the front-page headlines.
The report on the trial ran seven and a half columns of agate type per day.
As you look at this sad-eyed page of agate type amidst your grief, you find yourself deciding that this is not a moment for creative writing.
Fletcher knows first hand that a cut-down day, noted in the agate type of newspaper sports sections and television tickers and then mostly forgotten, has a full range of real-life implications.
So now, in the blizzard of agate type that is part of a good sports section, you may see the result of Cramer's eureka moment - a notation for "runners advanced."
Newspapers, for example, could run a small daily box of agate type providing this information, with perhaps a longer summary provided once or twice a year.
Check out the agate type.
And a restaurant of this caliber should know better than to print its wine list in eye-straining small agate type.