In fact, Video games already comply with a voluntary rating system that rates video games based on their topics and age appropriateness.
The teams will be judged based on three criteria: originality, age appropriateness, and creativity.
We did awareness reminders, depending on age appropriateness, and principals did send home reminders in the students' backpacks.
Also, the Mature and Adults Only icons had 17+ and 18+ added to their title band in order to clearly signify the age appropriateness.
ESRBi issued ratings providing information on the age appropriateness of a site, as well as information regarding the site's content.
ESRBi objectively labeled and provided information with regard to age appropriateness and content on each rated website.
PBS will distribute to viewers monthly calendars to inform caregivers about what Ms. Weiss called "the themes and age appropriateness" of upcoming programs.
All four camps offer various activities and merit badge opportunities that vary based on age appropriateness, Scout Rank and weather.
Volunteers are brought together to sort through toys to wrap and sort for age appropriateness.
I think parents should help their kids decide, as well as establish age appropriateness of certain types of games, like the father did for the fps at 14 yrs old.