Comparing certain sources, there is an age discrepancy as to how old Jeconiah was when he began his rule.
But he was born two years earlier, and he told Yankees officials about the age discrepancy last summer.
There appeared to be no gender differences when it came to real-life cheating rates, though the researchers found some age discrepancies in both genders.
There are considerable age discrepancies between the lead roles and the actors who portrayed them.
There is a significant age discrepancy here.
By this time, the original age discrepancies were reversed, with Ralph married to a much younger Alice than himself.
It is common for age discrepancies to arise in players signed from other countries.
The Yankees have not contested his contract over the age discrepancy.
This age discrepancy has been attributed to women's notable, but recent, movement into engineering within the past few decades.
The age discrepancy is a problem because stars in an open cluster should be the same age.