The Warriors' ages are never specified (although most of the actors playing them were, at the time, in their twenties).
While Mudbone's age is not specified, the content of his monologues suggest that he is an ancient, almost immortal person.
If that age is not specified it is usually the age of consent.
Their ages are never specified, and appear to change from memory to memory (the entire strip is told in flashback).
If age was not specified, cases were prorated according to the distribution of cases for which age was known.
So their age may not be precisely specified.
Chu's age is not specified in the novels, but he is estimated to be around 30 years old.
The minimum age of 18 years is specified for work which "is likely to jeopardise the health, safety or morals of young persons".
Sometimes ages and occupations were specified, along with home addresses if they were known.
There are many groups about the world looking for qualified volunteers and offering r/b - where age is not specified.