In addition, the age of medical specialization led patients away from their family doctors, the general practitioners who were most likely to make home visits.
The age of the bridge and maintenance problems have led to traffic restrictions at times.
Here is where the "golden age of theoretical biology" is leading.
Anxiety experienced after age 4 might lead to wetting after the child has been dry for a period of 6 months or more.
All was well until the 1970's, when the Goodhue building's age and limited size led to cries for its replacement.
His age has led him to some discretion, he said.
But the nuclear age and the cold war led Presidents to assume more power.
As a result, as the night approaches the individual's youth begins to fade away and his old age leads him to the path of death.
This is not to say that age or experience necessarily leads to better management or public policy.
The age of the cars led to them slipping further down in qualifying, managing to only make 13th.