The age of the imprint leaves no doubts.
What was it like, that age of yours when men hadn't even left the little Earth?
Her hair was more silver than black, and age had left its deep engraving in the lines on her face.
But the age and lack of speed in the defense has left the Americans porous and vulnerable.
Though age had left its marks on her, as she lay there her breast was pale and perfect.
He was sixty years old, but age had left few marks on him, except that of his long white beard.
The great age of letter-writing, which is, of course, the present, will leave no letters behind it.
Nevertheless Petipa's advanced age and failing health left him with little energy to contest the director.
The age of the PC has left us with a messy low grade grumbling crisis.
Currently the second age of Evony has now left the public beta testing stage and is now in its final release.