It's beginning to feel like an age old question, or certainly one that has been hanging around since the dark ages.
In 1800 and 1810, the age question regarding free white males was more detailed.
Finally an answer to the age old question "who polices the police?"
Initially, the Yankees shrugged off the age question, saying that if the man could pitch, they didn't care how old he was.
The first question that might be asked is the age old question.
In a few cases, we will even have made radio contact, answering the age old question: "Are we alone?"
It is an age old question that every generation must ask, weigh and decide for itself.
Throughout the morning, he confronted the age question, and many voters appeared to agree with his assessment that it is not an issue.
Twins don't have a choice on the whole age question, but you could theoretically clone a human at any point in his or her life.