The age can range anywhere from 13 to 21, with 18 being the most common.
According to the school, the students' average age is 33, and have ranged from 12 to 68.
Their average age was 60 years, and ranged from 36 to 88.
The other daughter is 6 years old; the ages of the boys range from 16 to 4 months.
His age ranges from about five to eight in the books.
The ages of participants range from 18 to over 80.
The ages range from high school students to adults in their 40s.
The group included 12 women and eight men, ages ranging from six to 84 years.
The minimum age for visitors can range from 6 to 14.
Depending on the area, the minimum age can range from 14 to 19 years.