It does in the theater, and it's an age-old battle.
He knew now that he could finish this age-old battle.
In the age-old battle between man and nature, disasters at sea hold a special place in the rubber-necking canon.
The time of the conquest and the age-old battle with new rang ...
All the boys and girls are out on that magazine playground known as the American newsstand, and the age-old battle for dominance continues.
At root, procrastination involves the age-old battle between pleasure and pain.
A point worth making, since the central issue of the opera is the age-old battle over the relative importance of words and music.
But that was an age-old battle between man and woman.
The suit puts a new twist on an age-old battle between city and upstate interests over state resources.
Such a symphony of sound and color it was, and it sang of the age-old battle of the Western world against evil.