Jessie lives in Atlanta with her husband, Hugh, a handsome psychiatrist - "presiding as he did over the age-old mysteries of the human psyche."
In his own time, however, Franklin was lionized abroad as the man who solved the age-old mystery of lightning, one of nature's most fearsome power displays.
Objects such as the disappearing picture were set aside on the hope that Ashe, with his archaeologist's training in the penetration of age-old mysteries, might understand them through study.
A multilayered plot combining new and age-old mysteries makes this a moving and non-judgmental story about the conflicting pulls of adolescence.
Ponder with baby the age-old mysteries of love and attraction, particularly why three beautiful and spirited women are devoted to such a deeply uninteresting man.
Like "The Da Vinci Code," Khoury's novel features age-old mysteries that play out in a modern setting.
A present-day character finds the key to some terrible, important-sounding, age-old mystery.
FINALLY, an age-old mystery is solved: what happened to the lost continent of Atlantis.
Meredith, D (2005) New book explains age-old mystery of geometrical illusions.
He looks at its age-old mysteries and traditions as well as the modern rituals and victuals that we have come to enjoy today.