Their aged appearance suggests that this is not a different breed, and instead is just a much older Rockwhale.
A weathered or aged appearance will occur naturally over time as the patina is enhanced.
Combined, these changes lead to the loss of skin's firmness and an aged appearance.
The walls were intentionally built crooked in order to give them an aged appearance.
Sweat streaks on their faces had cut through the dust, giving them an aged appearance.
Sachiko is not particularly excited about him, because of his aged appearance, but decides to have him investigated all the same.
On the handle is a carving of a pentagram, with much of the finish removed to give it an aged appearance.
The loose skin is often most noticeable on the face, resulting in a prematurely aged appearance.
To display the characteristic aged appearance of a bonsai within a reasonable time, the source plant is often partially grown or mature stock.
He discovers that the dandy is in fact an old man wearing a mask to hide his aged appearance.