Yet the green eyes beneath slanting brows were not a boy's eyes, but weary and old, still ageless also.
Kirk stared into the small, hard, ageless eyes of the ancient Ferengi.
Richard had to remind himself to stop staring into her ageless eyes.
A smooth, clean actor's face with the glittering ageless eyes of a fanatic.
Kahlan struggled to pull a shaky breath as she looked away from the witch woman's ageless eyes.
The Magus was leaning on his staff, watching Nefer with those pale, ancient but ageless eyes.
Kahlan smiled up into his young face, his ageless eyes.
The Other Sam smiled wanly; wisdom shone in his ageless blue eyes.
- a man with the sharp melodious inflection of a British stage actor, and brilliant, ageless blue eyes.
His face was calm, his ageless eyes filled with sorrow.