An ageless, unsmiling woman in a plain navy shift answered the door, asked her to wait then disappeared down the hallway.
Then she took her place beside the ageless woman, and the two of them stood for some time retching over the side.
There was no telling what she'd take offense at, and Kero had to keep repeating to herself that this strange, ageless woman was her grandmother.
There could be no concealing such an accumulation of ageless women.
A lank-haired, wild-eyed, ageless woman with a body like wire and a shapeless tunic.
A bottle of magic bubbles makes her wish come true, instantly transforming Julia into an ageless and happy woman.
And strange things happened when that seemingly ageless woman was around.
She was an ageless woman, this widow of a sea-captain.
The island is home to the Amazons: beautiful, ageless women with great strength, agility, and intelligence.
The High Priestess was an ageless woman, seated on a throne, holding a scroll in one hand.