Any agency designated by the President can originate classified information if it meets the content criteria; each agency is responsible for safeguarding and declassifying its own documents.
The YSRAC is the public agency designated by the counties of Yuba and Sutter as the local partner with the California Arts Council.
These are the 14 agencies designated by the State Department to administer the au pair program:
Plant Hasn't Changed Hands While the settlement called for the plant to change hands, that has not happened; the Long Island Power Authority, the agency designated by the state to take over the plant, has not asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for permission to do so.
It is currently the only federal agency designated by both OMB and OPM as a Center of Excellence in the financial management and human resources services.
Shubin worked for many years at the National Institute of Justice ("NIJ"), the federal agency designated with research and development in the field of law enforcement technology.
Only law enforcment agencies designated by the states or investigative agencies designated by Congress are lawfully allowed to use such equipment, say security experts.
In addition, private agencies and church organizations designated by the Federal Government to assist in the application process are being forced to lay off employees.
Pentagon auditors challenged more than $200 million of KBR's charges under the contract as potentially excessive or unjustified, and the agency designated by the United Nations to oversee Iraq's vast oil revenues later recommended that the United States might have to repay some or all of that money to Iraq.
Mr. Carey, who fought in France, the Netherlands and Germany, was vice chairman of the American Battle Monuments Commission, the federal agency designated by Congress to establish the monument.