The head of the powerful agency entrusted with bailing out Indonesia's graft-ridden financial system offered to step down today as accusations of corruption threatened to discredit his own organization.
In the early 1990s he was involved in the foundation of the Direzione Investigativa Antimafia (DIA), a law-enforcement agency specially entrusted with fighting organized crime.
The problems of federal agencies entrusted with public welfare during times of national disaster - 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina - will be unaddressed.
The clash between investor rights and public policy is expected to grow more intense, even within the agencies entrusted with keeping aspects of the cases secret.
But the agencies entrusted with spending the donations have a special responsibility to spend wisely.
"The continuing inaction by the very agency entrusted by law with taking all appropriate steps to encourage the broadest voter participation," Justice Santaella said, "is tantamount to invidious discrimination."
This confirms Iraq's declaration that it is free from weapons of mass destruction and that its declaration is truthful and accurate, as documented by the two technical agencies entrusted by the Council to undertake that task.
His dilemma is that the Board of Examiners, the agency entrusted with the testing and recommendations for licensing of prospective teachers, went nearly five years without offering an examination for high school social studies instructors.
Financial Scandal in Indonesia The head of the agency entrusted with bailing out Indonesia's financial system offered to step down as accusations of corruption threatened to discredit his organization.
In the US there are two agencies entrusted with the enforcement of antitrust legislation - The Antitrust Division of the Justice Department, and the Federal Trade Commission.