It was a large building and I assumed other agencies and foundations funded from the public trough were housed here as well.
Established in 1918, the utility is a public agency funded by water rates and new tap fees, not taxes.
These associations provided services that formerly had been provided by municipal agencies funded by property taxes; yet, the residents were still required to pay those taxes.
The Conference Report provides full-year appropriations for the agencies funded by the nine appropriations bills that have yet to be enacted.
In the past, grants from such agencies typically funded only research projects themselves, and the costs of publication were borne by journal subscribers.
Initiated by Princess Chulabhorn in 1987, the institute was established as an independent agency funded by the Thai government.
These agencies, funded partly by contributions to the United Way, provide all classifications of home health care, from the most-skilled to the least-skilled.
All voluntary agencies funded by the Department of Social Work must also now operate a complaints procedure.
Prior to the 1960s, equipping a map-making enterprise was chiefly the duty of a single agency, funded by the national government.
The same kind of rationalisation needs to occur with the agencies funded to deliver.