AN agency known for offering clients services in addition to advertising is adding another to its portfolio.
AN agency known for its creativity will use photographs to sell advertisers on a magazine that almost never publishes them.
Now they're a medium-sized agency well known for good creative work.
This man, in an agency known for its bending of truths, was an honest broker.
One is Iraq's agency for electronic eavesdropping, known as Project 858.
During the years 1992 and 1993 he forged pacts with two other agencies to create the agency now known as Paradigm.
The agency, known as Bappenas, the national planning agency, chose the private meeting.
The official said that cuts were also being considered in other programs of the agency, known as Darpa.
A: Well, this has not been an agency known for its customer friendliness.
That agency, known as Interpol, is the coordinating network for police internationally.