He said Valujet was energetically responding to every agency request for compliance with safety rules and he had flown the airline himself.
The agency requests anonymity.
The President's 1992 budget, which is to be submitted to Congress in two months, "will have to be far below agency requests, in aggregate," he said in his memorandum.
The Office of Policy and Management reported these agency requests: * Department of Income Maintenance, 1.43 billion, up from $1.28 billion this year.
The first appendix covers relevant issues addressed in GAO's reports (responses to agency requests).
However, we responded to agency requests for assistance in designing and implementing effective internal controls.
The regulations do, however, provide specific time limits for both State Historic Preservation Officer and Council action in response to agency requests for comment.
File Series Exemptions: Deciding on agency requests to exempt a designated file series from automatic declassification at 25 years.
Please allow 4-6 weeks for a response to your opinion letters and make sure that your federal agency requests are sent to one of my California offices.
An agency request to examine two nuclear waste dumps that might throw light on this question was rejected.