Japanese is an agglutinative language, especially in the verb system.
Some linguists believe that the concept does not fit agglutinative languages very well.
Midob is an agglutinative language like the other Nubian languages.
Uyghur is an agglutinative language with a subject-object-verb word order.
It's a lovely agglutinative language and there was quite a lot of it left around on clay tablets.
Malay is an agglutinative language, and new words are formed by three methods.
Somali is an agglutinative language, and also shows properties of inflection.
He believed that these people spoke an agglutinative language from which the present Austroasiatic languages are derived.
It is an agglutinative language which makes mainly use of suffixes.
It is an agglutinative language with a complex morphology.