Slope range 3-8% has an aggregate area 243.5 hectares or 2.43% of the entire municipality.
The aggregate area is 115 km2, and the population 4873 (census of 2003).
They have an aggregate area of 6199 square kilometers, with a total population of 140,016 at the 1996 census, the last held.
The islands have an aggregate area of 244.970 km2.
The total built up areas has an aggregate area of 8.79 km2 or 5% of the total land area of the municipality.
Farol Cay accounts for almost two thirds of the aggregate area.
The streets run from north to south and east to west forming 100 square blocks with an aggregate area one hectare per block.
The islands have an aggregate area of 44 km2, of which the main island Rotuma occupies 43 km2.
Blessed with rich agriculture and forest lands, it has an aggregate area of 318.2 km2.
Their aggregate area is 41.90 or 49.63 km2, according to different sources.