The mix results from aggressive recruitment of minorities and, in some cases, advantages to black and Hispanic applicants in the highly competitive admissions process.
But in recent years black student leaders have been demanding more aggressive recruitment of black faculty and students, as well as protesting racial harassment on campus.
There is talk of beating the pavement in the aggressive recruitment of new talent.
This was followed by aggressive recruitment of academic faculty.
And more aggressive recruitment of black families to adopt black children is needed.
The company is attracting attention for its aggressive recruitment of American doctors who will go through training and perform the treatments.
The overall increase of minority participation in colleges was attributed to more aggressive recruitment by colleges and universities.
The mix of approaches that works for many colleges includes aggressive recruitment of only those students they believe can succeed.
Yet commercial higher education continues to have a checkered record, particularly for aggressive recruitment and marketing.
The aggressive recruitment that closed the 1890s made PIS the second largest school in the federal system, with over 700 students.