The House set aggressive targets, including reducing energy use by 50 percent over 10 years-and now, new goals have been set for individual member offices.
This more aggressive target is meant to minimize the risk of progressive glaucoma damage and vision loss.
"It's a very aggressive target."
Mr. Bissell, however, expects earnings to rebound this year to $6.75 a share, an aggressive target.
We've set an aggressive target and the companies are stepping up to the plate.
This protects the shark from injury from a wounded and aggressive target; however, it also allows humans time to get out of the water and survive.
He replaced Richard L. Scott, the hard-driving co-founder who pushed the company and its employees to meet a series of aggressive financial targets.
A billion dollars is a real aggressive target.
The companies said they had completed a joint business plan and budget, in anticipation of the merger, and they reiterated their aggressive targets for future growth.
Mindtree reported revenues of USD $272 million in 2010, and has set an aggressive target of reaching $1 billion by 2014.