Thomas Byers, in a Modern Fiction Studies article, called the film "an aggressively conservative film".
Mr. Reagan endorsed not the nominee but the aggressively conservative platform Mr. Reagan's own forces had written.
The aggressively conservative American Spectator has enjoyed rapid growth in the last two years, along with a couple of big publicity splashes.
In their 12 years in the Presidency, the Republicans raided the nation's law schools so they could fill many of those appeals court slots with aggressively conservative scholars.
In fact, the aggressively conservative journal has enjoyed rapid growth in the last two years; it says its circulation has increased sevenfold since January 1992, to more than 200,000.
Moreover, they said, he would stand in relief to his more aggressively conservative benchmate, Judge Luttig and might thus be more palatable to Democrats.
And for those left in the race, the Texan set the pace with his ambitious financial goals and his aggressively conservative stands.
It's undoubtedly true that some aggressively conservative voices are heard in ways you don't see on other cable networks, but I'm not sure that's such a bad thing.
Top executives have reasons to be aggressively conservative in their accounting - especially if they are new to the job.
Accusations came first from Moving Together, a youth group with an aggressively conservative cultural agenda.