Several manufacturers have been aggressively cutting costs and jobs.
I think Intel will continue to aggressively cut prices for the next 18 months.
High power saws with aggressively cutting chains are almost impossible to protect against.
Schumacher aggressively cut across to the inside into the first corner, trying to force Fisichella to back off.
Much of the selling was prompted by the expectation that interest rates, which were cut aggressively in 1992, would begin to rise again.
Merck told analysts yesterday that it was not aggressively cutting prices, however.
The Irish started cutting aggressively two years ago and look where it's got them.
By aggressively cutting costs, the company should be able to meet its earlier earnings forecast of 55 cents a share for 2003, he said.
Sales at Stouffer, which aggressively cut prices, increased 16 percent in the same period.
"When you combine that with the fact that they are also aggressively cutting costs, it can be a pretty powerful combination."