From the spring of 1972 through to the summer of 1973, at varying levels of commitment, both the Right and Left of the Labour Party had agreed the same agenda.
As part of agreement the heads agree to pledge their confidence and support in the establishment of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and adhering to the goals of World Trade Organization (WTO) as well as the multi-lateral agenda of security in the Caribbean region.
The First Minister and deputy First Minister agree the agenda of Executive meetings and can jointly determine "significant or controversial matters" to be considered by the Executive.
The trade Chair and the JCCC Chair will agree the agenda jointly.
Although I agree the agenda of the meeting to help Somali people I would like to see the meeting to be divided into two stages.
I have some sympathy with your plight, Mr Deprez, but we only agreed the agenda at the beginning of the week, and Mr Ferri's comments this morning were incorrect.