Elbryan sighed deeply, agreeing fully with her observation.
And he had to agree with the witness's observation.
Drizzt had to agree with Montolio's earlier observation: He did not understand.
I particularly agree with the President's observation that we can't return to 'you're on your own' economics.
I agree with your observation about potential disaster.
I agree with Friedman's observation that "you ignore Kissinger's take on the world at your peril."
All four women would agree, though, with Ms. Smith's observation that "it's a very tough procedure."
I agree with his observation that while the human rights dialogue could indeed be useful, unfortunately up to now it has not produced tangible results.
I especially agree with her observation that the Union still has not enough data protection rules to deal with third pillar matters.
We agree with the rapporteur's observation that attention must be paid to small-scale coastal fishing.