A preliminary agreement was signed in 1995 and this agreement foresaw construction of a pipeline from South Pars gas field to Karachi in Pakistan.
The bilateral agreement signed by Klaus and Meciar in July had foreseen dissolution of the existing state by Sept. 30, but left several issues unresolved [see p. 39015].
The agreement foresees the drafting of a new constitution, to be ratified by another loya jirga, and elections at the end of that two-year period.
Indeed, the agreement foresees a decline in economic activity as great as 4 percent this year and inflation just under 17 percent.
This agreement foresaw construction of a pipeline from South Pars gas field to Karachi in Pakistan.
The revised agreement with the I.M.F. foresees an inflation rate of nearly 17 percent for 1999.
In particular with regard to industrial pelagic fishery, which is focused on stock C, the agreement foresees the obligation to land 25% of captures.
Furthermore, for the first time, as I understand, the proposed agreement foresees clauses on human rights, non-proliferation and counter-terrorism, and this is certainly to be welcomed.
Moreover, the agreement foresees that this 300 second limit shall be reviewed within 3 years in order to be lowered to 180 seconds.
The agreement with Mr. Barenboim, the Argentine-born pianist and conductor, does not foresee an official contract between him and La Scala.