The agreements reduced the arbitration list to 82, with the first cases scheduled to be heard tomorrow.
The agreement reduced the outstanding claims by Bs150m, and created a payment plan taking into account the country's income.
Just how this agreement will reduce sick leave levels was unclear yesterday.
The first collective agreement (1975-1977) reduced the 444 pay categories to three.
His agreement reduced to 88 the number of players in salary arbitration.
Might an agreement to reduce conventional arms in Europe help them?
Johnson's agreement reduced to 86 the players remaining in arbitration.
The basic agreement in the Council has reduced the donation to 75 million, leaving the rest for loans.
And the need for public understanding remains urgent, despite the recent, welcome agreements to reduce Japanese trade barriers.
Over all, the agreement reduces the amount of commercial space to 10 million square feet from 11 million.