The agreement underscored tensions between the legislative leaders and the Governor, who did not meet until this evening, after the leaders had announced their plans.
Bilateral agreements with several countries of the region, covering diverse areas of cooperation, have underscored the government's interest in strengthening regional ties.
The new agreement underscores Utah's legal argument that only Congress and not the executive branch can make such designations.
But the sketchy agreement underscores the fundamental difficulty of this year's desperate negotiations - finding the money to pay for desired programs.
Chairman Smith: "Today's agreement underscores the importance of strong international partnerships in our battle against global counterfeiting and piracy.
Beyond these technical questions, yesterday's agreement underscores a startling but fundamental development: Computers and television sets are converging into a single home-information appliance.
The Legislature's agreement to increase its contribution to the M.T.A.'s operating budget only underscores the changes in the agency's finances.
Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, who attended the meeting today, said the agreement underscored "new cooperation and confidence in southeastern Europe."
The agreement underscores a trend toward consolidation among real estate investment trusts.
Today's agreement underscores the growing competition Airbus sees if the proposed merger of its two principal rivals in the commercial aircraft market goes ahead.