Without federal tax protection, health and education benefits, or agricultural assistance, the Paiutes were reduced to a miserable existence during the late 1950s and 1960s.
The nearby land needs to be cleared, and agricultural assistance (seeds and fertilisers) has not been provided.
Among the many results is a new focus in agricultural assistance.
A crucial mistake is our refusal to provide substantial agricultural assistance to increase African food production.
I have continued to work with parliamentarians in developing nations, particularly on matters of oversight and government reform and agricultural assistance.
The four senators from the Dakotas want to spend it on agricultural assistance.
During this time, the United States provided $765 million in agricultural assistance.
To get its foot in the door, it is thinking of providing agricultural assistance under an exemption to the embargo for humanitarian aid.
However, we need a strong common agricultural policy and strong agricultural assistance to achieve this goal.
Its jurisdiction includes rural development, farm security and family farming matters, foreign agricultural assistance, and trade promotion programs.