The city, a fading urban outpost in the middle of an agricultural belt, is today dominated by the Caterpillar company.
But in 1976, by then a Democrat, he ran for Congress and won a narrow victory in California's rich agricultural belt.
Most of Pushmataha County is mountainous, with the exception of a relatively flat agricultural belt along the county's southern border.
Northern climes are already becoming greener as the world warms, and future warming might expand the continent's agricultural belt.
In California's agricultural belt, a meat-packing plant that had been closed for years reopened recently with new financial backing - Japanese.
The Music Conservatory on its prominence was visible as soon as the Port gave way to an agricultural belt.
Its agricultural belt is chili central, growing a large percentage of the nation's chilies.
It lies in the agricultural belt of the state.
Further inland, on higher ground, but still of only slight relief, is an agricultural belt of tobacco, cotton, soybeans and produce.
Even when speculators sought to encourage towns, settlers needed an agricultural belt around or sometimes within defensive walls.