To the trader it is an Oklohama-based agricultural conglomerate (the farmers) dealing with an international food manufacturer.
Some of Mexico's largest agricultural conglomerates operate in the vast and fertile coastal plains.
By contrast, relations with agricultural conglomerates can be burdened with quite complex contractual details.
The largest private company in terms of sales had been Cargill, the agricultural conglomerate, which had revenue of $62 billion last year.
Built in 1905, is the only building still standing of an agricultural conglomerate where both coffee and sugar were planted and processed.
"We have created cheap food by investing in huge agricultural conglomerates - but is it really cheap?"
Her father is the president of Heller Brothers, an agricultural conglomerate in Winter Garden, Fla.
Worldwide free trade in agriculture serves only a very few agricultural conglomerates, which export food from the poorest countries without any regard for the food situation itself.
After the Second World War it was used by an agricultural conglomerate.
He watched, in the years following the Great Depression, as agricultural conglomerates gobbled up individual spreads at the expense of owners and migrant workers.