From the beginning of the 1940s, colonial authorities encouraged a policy of agricultural diversification into monocultural crops: coffee in the west and cotton in the south.
Early in the century, agricultural diversification into market gardening occurred, initially to produce vegetables and flowers for urban consumption.
The major political problems facing Barbados today are in promoting economic growth: creating jobs, encouraging agricultural diversification, attracting small industry, and promoting tourism.
It is rich with agriculture resources that have long formed the backbone of its economy and agricultural diversification produces crops such as rice, corn, vegetables, coconut, sugarcane and pineapple.
At once after independence, Mauritius had adopted a strategy of development embracing agricultural diversification and the industrialization based on the substitution of imports.
Initiatives it has fostered include air transport, connection to the global containerised shipping network, supporting agricultural diversification, establishing a meat export industry and promoting tourism.
In view of the European Union's announced phase-out of preferred access of bananas to its markets, agricultural diversification is a priority.
Kumbewu will offer skill training for women and serve as a site for various information sessions including Aids education, agricultural diversification, money management and more.
As well as providing an opportunity for agricultural diversification, the adoption of this report means that the ban on re-exporting certain products has been lifted.
After the depression years, Goldthwaite recovered only modestly though agricultural diversification brought renewed prosperity.