Approaching the western edge of the Mojave, the truck must stop for an agricultural inspection.
But Lai Ching-wai, Hong Kong's assistant director for agricultural inspection and quarantine, said experts could not guess where the bird had become infected.
The new department would bring under one roof the various border forces - Customs, Immigration and Naturalization, agricultural inspection, and so on - that bewilder Americans when they fly back from overseas but show tempting bureaucratic disarray to terrorists entering and leaving this country.
Beginning this weekend, one port director at each location will oversee all immigration, customs and agricultural inspections.
There are also state fees like a California charge of $200 a vessel for agricultural inspections.
At the hearing, held on Oahu by U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka, who introduced the legislation, state officials said the bill would help to coordinate and improve agricultural inspections.
As a EU passport holder you just fill in your tourist card and one for the agricultural inspection (don't bring any food in), go through passport control, pick up your bags and go.
Under the plan, most arriving travelers would be able to stop at a single checkpoint, eliminating the need for separate lines for immigration, customs and agricultural inspections.
He could always use a 'thopter for his agricultural inspections, and he didn't need to know where it came from.
They had already cleared customs in Guayaquil, and the once-enforced agricultural inspection had been abandoned years ago, so there was almost no delay.