She rears the divine twins, is the mother of the Fratres Arvales, performers of the agricultural propitiary rite of the Ambarvalia, and bestows wealth on her heirs and figurative children.
The Dree Festival is an Apatani agricultural rite.
Dree: An agricultural rite observed by the Apatanis in Arunachal Pradesh.
He implied that perhaps a longer period of time was needed in order to develop symbols for agricultural rites.
The tradition has its beginnings in primitive agricultural rites and the ancient music of shrines and temples.
There is an elaborate and complex array of rice culture feasts inextricably linked with taboos and intricate agricultural rites, from rice cultivation to rice consumption.
In the past such shamanic rites included agricultural rites, such as prayers for abundant harvest.
Close association with the Imperial House may suggest that kunimi was an agricultural rite imported from China; alternatively it may have been a folk practice.
The principal focus of the agricultural rites is the sowing and harvesting of the maize.
Mircea Eliade, in Patterns in Comparative Religion, remarks on the endless variety of agricultural rites and beliefs involving recognition of a force manifested in the harvest.