Gandhi had a personal motive in pursuing agricultural self-sufficiency, having found India's dependency on the U.S. for shipments of grains humiliating.
In an effort to increase agricultural self-sufficiency, Seychelles has undertaken steps to make the sector more productive and to provide incentives to farmers.
After nearly achieving agricultural self-sufficiency in the 1960s, Iran reached the point in 1979 where 65 percent of its food had to be imported.
With the severe famine of the mid-1990's a fading memory, the officials also say that this fall's bumper harvest is putting the country on the road to agricultural self-sufficiency.
Mr. Shultz touched on Nigeria's decision last summer to stop importing American wheat, a step taken by this country toward agricultural self-sufficiency.
So local farmers, instead of improving the agricultural and economic self-sufficiency of their home country, are instead forced out of the market and perhaps even off their land.
Gauch remained close to Darré, whose vision of the agricultural self-sufficiency of Nordic peasantry he shared.
Champlain, who founded Quebec in 1608, saw a desperate need for medical service and agricultural self-sufficiency for Quebec.
These regions have not yet achieved the initial objective of the CAP, namely a degree of agricultural self-sufficiency.
The current crisis in the food sector also clearly shows how important agricultural self-sufficiency is for any country.