So Israeli officials are anxious to prove that America is getting a strategic return for its aid dollars.
A bloc of House members opposed to abortion rights had insisted on banning the use of any foreign aid dollars for international population control activities.
Many of these organizations place restrictions on how the financial aid dollars they provide can be spent.
American officials say they recognize this problem and try to help the Filipinos spend their aid dollars wisely.
The administration says Afghanistan cannot absorb more aid dollars, partly because roads are unsafe and access to the countryside is blocked.
In fact, these subsidies have already begun consuming a disproportionate share of the nation's financial aid dollars.
According to the institute's updated estimates, Uganda put 57 cents less of its own money toward health for each foreign aid dollar it collected.
It insures that the best use possible is made of each school's limited financial aid dollars.
As a private citizen I saw American foreign aid dollars at work in Bangladesh.
American aid dollars have not measurably helped Zaire's people.