Auto-text saves the time of typists who type many similar documents, or serves as an assistive technology for aiding persons with disabilities.
Animals, except those which have been trained to perform tasks to aid persons with disabilities, are not allowed in the public part of the library except as part of a library-sponsored program.
The canines trained to aid blind persons are often referred to as seeing-eye dogs.
Anointing is also used to aid persons within negative cycles-illnesses, demonic possession or streaks of "bad luck".
In 1943 Simon's brother Jan was arrested by the Germans for aiding persons in hiding.
Thus you aid the very persons whom you say are undeserving.
When I have finished with my efforts to aid unfortunate persons, I may, perhaps, reveal my identity.
A number of articles specify how Protecting Powers, ICRC and other humanitarian organizations may aid Protected persons.
The Central Americans will present their request at the second session of a 60-nation conference called to discuss ways of aiding the region's roughly two million refugees and displaced persons.
Dr. Kazerooni is currently working on extending this technology to aid persons who have experienced a stroke, spinal cord injuries or medical conditions that obligate them to use a wheelchair.