The senior aide attended the general officially.
Mr. Rinfret's aides were invited to the meeting but did not attend.
Reminded, she looked and found the man lying on a stretcher; two medical aides attended him.
About a dozen Republican and Democratic lawmakers and aides attended the classified briefing conducted by President Clinton's top national security advisers today.
The Taoiseach's aide de camp, Captain Michael Tracey, attended her funeral.
Yesterday, he seemed to endorse the idea of a meeting, though he did not say whether he or his aides would attend.
While her aide attended to the matter, Eve verified time and cause of death for the record.
The present Captain had grown so fat that he rarely stirred from his cabin; his aide, one of the young men's bloc, attended to affairs for him.
For example, he says, he does not understand how top presidential aides could have attended briefings on Whitewater without briefing the Clintons in turn.
The Congressman's aide attended a strategy session on an engine contract.