Eisenhower and his aides considered dropping Nixon from the ticket and picking another running mate.
The alliance's supreme commander demanded 2,000 targets in Serbia - a number some aides considered arbitrary and too high for a country the size of Ohio.
Mr. Bush and his aides have considered, of course, a whole range of possible initiatives.
Mr. Mandela and his aides consider how to approach the recalcitrant generals.
But an aide to Mr. Pascrell considered it over the line.
A1 President Clinton and his aides considered options to salvage the rapidly dissolving peace agenda negotiated in Oslo four years ago.
The aide considered for a moment.
The President's aides had considered limiting the work program, too.
To get the car on the road and the story out of the papers, aides first considered removing 88 pounds of steel armor plate.
He rode to Congress in a bus, and his aides considered it a victory that opposition legislators did not try to shout him down from the floor.