Though aides to Governor Davis had hinted that they were exploring possible legal challenges, today's announcement was a surprise to many.
His aides hinted privately that they were looking for ways to resume economic assistance to Indonesia, which has effectively been frozen.
Nothing is lost by waiting until tomorrow, as his aides hint, to renew full relations.
His friends and aides were hinting in 2008 and earlier this year at his interests in the nation's top job.
The red-haired aide was always hinting that his commander needed more and heavier armor.
Recently, as political pressure has grown, the Mayor's aides hinted that the whole $1 billion could go to help fix the schools.
His aides hint that right-wingers might be advanced in a cabinet shuffle.
He further tested waters by having his close aides hinting to the generals around the empire as to his intentions.
Since then, aides have hinted that he might make a more conciliatory statement.
Some aides have hinted that the Grand Duke could be welcomed as an act of political healing.