His aides indicated that the decisions would be made after the economic summit talks.
The aide indicated a place on the map, a group of buildings in the Warrens to the northwest.
But some aides indicated in private conversations today that it could not be anything other than a help for the Vice President's election chances.
But some aides indicated that the latest infection was not serious so far.
The mayor said he owed it to Republicans to make his plans known soon, and aides indicated an announcement by midweek.
Mr. Bush pursued one avenue of criticism that aides have indicated he will stress this fall.
Mr. Gates and his stunned aides indicated that they intended to appeal the decision.
His aides had previously indicated that they expected the deficit to all but disappear this year, for the first time in three decades.
But aides to the President indicated that she had advanced the schedule for the reductions.
Mr. Bush's senior aide indicated, with little conviction, that it probably would.