Last Friday an aide to the Mayor sent the United Nations a list of countries that should be excluded from events sponsored by the committee.
So why would his aides send two sneering memos about the Clintons' finances to reporters this week, on a not-for-attribution condition?
A senior aide in the Treasury Department sent invitations to a "disinauguration party."
That sounds like the secret aide sent personally by the US President.
Most times when a President and his aides send public diplomatic signals, they want headlines and buttonhole the press to get them.
Legislators and top aides sent conflicting signals today about whether the two houses actually have an agreement on the issue.
Mr. Annan's aides sent a copy of the text to President Bush today.
In fact, several people involved in negotiations said his aides had sent strong signals that he might veto the bill because of concern about cost.
The aides sent the children back to their classrooms.
But last month his aides sent him a confidential memorandum that acknowledged some of the risks inherent in limiting benefits.