The tree was named after a righteous lady Thimmamma, who served her ailing husband devotedly.
Lily Bell, accompanies her ailing husband, Robert, as he surveys the landscape for the Union Pacific.
After all, Ms. Bonilla had taken care of her two daughters and her ailing husband all alone.
She just wants them to be able to read and write - something she and her ailing husband never learned to do.
For 10 years, she also nursed her ailing husband, Victor, who died in August.
The woman reached over to comfort her ailing husband, and Crusher could hear the fluid in his lungs.
In January she placed her ailing husband in a nursing home.
But it was only when Raine, now 62, decided the sightings were upset-ting her ailing husband that she decided to try to kill off the spook.
Even when her ailing husband had been alive she had been notorious for her lovers.
However, there is no evidence that Bunbury met Seacole, or even visited Jamaica, at a time when she would have been nursing her ailing husband.