Abruptly the air was full of fire-lizards, hovering eagerly above Tiroth.
That was 10 years ago, but an air of freshness still hovers over the relationship.
The air was full of small, bright things, hovering in their millions like beads on invisible strings.
The wind had died but the air hovered at freezing.
An air of anxiety still hovered over the car, but the passengers found a way to dispel it.
An air of mystery hovers over a film studio after dark.
He couldn't not react; she was beautiful, and that tragic mystical air hovered around her like a cool mist on a hot night.
An air of shock and mild depression hovered over the camp for the remainder of the day.
An air of uncertainty hovered over what little they managed to get done.
Once completed, it weighed over 25 tons and used compressed air hover pads for movement around the set.