A series of 26x11 minute episodes followed, airing in two parts, April 2002 and Spring 2003.
It aired in 3 parts over 3 consecutive weeks beginning on Sunday, October 18, 1964.
Cactus was aired in three parts between 1998 to 2002.
It was aired by Canale 5 in six parts.
It aired in two parts on 15 and 16 March 2007.
Sense and Sensibility was aired in three parts, with the first shown on 1 January 2008.
The final aired in two parts on 22 May 2010.
The dispute was resolved by 2012, and the show aired in two parts on 26 and 27 September 2012.
It aired in two half-hour parts on May 14, 2012.
The television series aired in 13 parts on Fox8.