The Croatian media gave heavy coverage to the battle, repeatedly airing broadcasts from the besieged town by the journalist Siniša Glavašević.
The one-hour comedy special was filmed at Chicago's Second City Theatre and aired repeatedly on U.S. cable network Showtime.
These programs often air repeatedly to gain interest from viewers.
Despite misgivings about the Bush Administration's buildup to war-misgivings that Hagel aired repeatedly in public-he voted for the October, 2002, war resolution.
The state-controlled news media repeatedly aired a documentary portraying the group's reclusive founder, Li Hongzhi, as a charlatan who deceives his followers and harbors a hidden political agenda.
Given his popularity in rural areas and his control of television, which repeatedly aired sympathetic interviews with Mr. Lukashenko today, the President's proposal was likely to draw the most votes.
The film aired repeatedly on the Walt Disney anthology television series.
The hymn has been airing repeatedly in North Korean state media since July 2012.
First, AT&T created an advertising campaign featuring the company that aired repeatedly during the 1992 Summer Olympics.
Surprising and Scandalous' Colombian television repeatedly aired a secretly filmed videotape showing the Mayor smoking crack in a Washington hotel room.