After all, a starship was nothing but a hollow space filled with air surrounded by an effective infinity of nothingness.
Darwin is shown seemingly floating in the air, surrounded by images of evolution and scenes from his past.
Cool summers provide the visitor with fresh air surrounded by breathtaking stones.
The same happens with our hotter air surrounded by the colder air.
The eye, an expanse of calm air surrounded by the storm's strongest winds, was 20 to 25 miles in diameter tonight, officials said.
Standing there in the crisp air, surrounded by the bare splendor of the mountains, he saw it clearly.
When they stepped into the hot air, surrounded by the night street, she said, 'Didn't mean to shock you in there.'
I don't think any of you cotton to having your asses a thousand feet in the air surrounded by the whole guinea air force.
The window shatters all around him and suddenly he is standing in cold air, surrounded by flurries of snow.
Del's piping voice seemed to hang in the air, surrounded by charged space.