How are people exposed to air toxics?
Like humans, animals may experience health problems if exposed to sufficient quantities of air toxics over time.
States developed their own air toxics pollution programs in the 1980's, which resulted in different regulations and standards across the country.
There are also a large number of compounds which have been determined to be hazardous which are called air toxics.
This area provides information about air toxics in the United States.
Mobile sources also produce several other important air pollutants, such as air toxics and greenhouse gases.
Nationwide, mobile sources represent the largest contributor to air toxics.
This voluntary program can be an effective way to reduce emissions of particulates and air toxics.
We used concentrations of only those air toxics thought to be potential carcinogens for the three study cancers (Table 7).
But he added, "It is becoming apparent that the current approach to air toxics isn't doing the job."