These assets had to be capable of scrambling to identify and assist or engage unidentified or hostile airborne objects approaching or entering United States airspace without proper approval.
This could be as much as an hour for airborne objects.
Conventional radar measures the angle of a lightning flash from two points to determine its striking location, subjecting readings to inaccuracies caused by cables and airborne objects like birds.
Points are scored for destroying both airborne and groundbased objects (whether mobile or stationary).
The radar transmit short pulses of radio frequency which are partially bounced back by airborne objects or spacecraft.
An audible signal is produced for passive identification of the type of airborne object.
Not chatter or squawk but the hum which experience told Rianav was a large airborne object slowly approaching them from a height.
The ceremonial first puck was delivered via an airborne object that looked like either a flying saucer or the world's biggest bagel.
A related effect used for lift rather than drag reduction is vortex surfing for airborne objects.
These included fighters, bombers, tanker aircraft, UAVs, and missiles--virtually any airborne object that might present a hazard to friendly forces.